Source code for pmdarima.preprocessing.exog.fourier

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np

from .base import BaseExogFeaturizer
from ..base import UpdatableMixin
from ...compat import get_compatible_check_is_fitted
from ._fourier import C_fourier_terms

__all__ = ['FourierFeaturizer']

sinpi = (lambda x: np.sin(np.pi * x))
cospi = (lambda x: np.cos(np.pi * x))

# Candidate for cythonization?
def _fourier_terms(p, times):
    # X = []
    # for e in p:
    #     X.append(sinpi(2 * e * times))
    #     X.append(cospi(2 * e * times))
    X = C_fourier_terms(p, times)
    return np.asarray(X).T

[docs]class FourierFeaturizer(BaseExogFeaturizer, UpdatableMixin): """Fourier terms for modeling seasonality This transformer creates an exogenous matrix containing terms from a Fourier series, up to order ``k``. It is based on ``R::forecast code`` [1]. In practice, it permits us to fit a seasonal time series *without* seasonal order (i.e., ``seasonal=False``) by supplying decomposed seasonal Fourier terms as an exogenous array. The advantages of this technique, per Hyndman [2]: * It allows any length seasonality * The seasonal pattern is smooth for small values of K (but more wiggly seasonality can be handled by increasing K) * The short-term dynamics are easily handled with a simple ARMA error The disadvantage is that the seasonal periodicity of the time series is assumed to be fixed. Functionally, this is a featurizer. This means that exogenous features are *derived* from ``y``, as opposed to transforming an existing exog array. It also behaves slightly differently in the :func:`transform` stage than most other exogenous transformers in that ``exog`` is not a required arg, and it takes ``**kwargs``. See the :func:`transform` docstr for more info. Parameters ---------- m : int The seasonal periodicity of the endogenous vector, y. k : int, optional (default=None) The number of sine and cosine terms (each) to include. I.e., if ``k`` is 2, 4 new features will be generated. ``k`` must not exceed ``m/2``, which is the default value if not set. The value of ``k`` can be selected by minimizing the AIC. prefix : str or None, optional (default=None) The feature prefix Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> from pmdarima.preprocessing import FourierFeaturizer >>> from pmdarima.datasets import load_wineind >>> y = load_wineind() >>> trans = FourierFeaturizer(12, 4) >>> y_prime, exog = trans.fit_transform(y) >>> exog.head() FOURIER_S12-0 FOURIER_C12-0 ... FOURIER_S12-3 FOURIER_C12-3 0 0.500000 8.660254e-01 ... 8.660254e-01 -0.5 1 0.866025 5.000000e-01 ... -8.660255e-01 -0.5 2 1.000000 -4.371139e-08 ... 1.748456e-07 1.0 3 0.866025 -5.000001e-01 ... 8.660253e-01 -0.5 4 0.500000 -8.660254e-01 ... -8.660255e-01 -0.5 Notes ----- * Helpful for long seasonal periods (large ``m``) where ``seasonal=True`` seems to take a very long time to fit a model. References ---------- .. [1] .. [2] """
[docs] def __init__(self, m, k=None, prefix=None): self.m = m self.k = k super().__init__(prefix)
def _get_prefix(self): pfx = self.prefix if pfx is None: pfx = "FOURIER" return pfx def _get_feature_names(self, X): pfx = self._get_prefix() # E.g., ['FOURIER_S12-0', 'FOURIER_C12-0', ...] return [ '%s_%s%i-%i' % ( pfx, "S" if i % 2 == 0 else "C", self.m, i // 2) for i in range(X.shape[1])]
[docs] def fit(self, y, exogenous=None): """Fit the transformer Computes the periods of all the Fourier terms. The values of ``y`` are not actually used; only the periodicity is used when computing Fourier terms. Parameters ---------- y : array-like or None, shape=(n_samples,) The endogenous (time-series) array. exogenous : array-like or None, shape=(n_samples, n_features), optional The exogenous array of additional covariates. If specified, the Fourier terms will be column-bound on the right side of the matrix. Otherwise, the Fourier terms will be returned as the new exogenous array. """ # Since we don't fit any params here, we can just check the params _, _ = self._check_y_exog(y, exogenous, null_allowed=True) m = self.m k = self.k if k is None: k = m // 2 if 2 * k > m or k < 1: raise ValueError("k must be a positive integer not greater " "than m//2") # Compute the periods of all Fourier terms. Since R allows multiple # seasonality and we do not, we can do this much more simply. p = ((np.arange(k) + 1) / m).astype(np.float64) # 1:K / m # If sinpi is 0... maybe blow up? # if abs(2 * p - round(2 * p)) < np.finfo(y.dtype).eps: # min eps self.p_ = p self.k_ = k self.n_ = y.shape[0] return self
[docs] def transform(self, y, exogenous=None, n_periods=0, **_): """Create Fourier term features When an ARIMA is fit with an exogenous array, it must be forecasted with one also. Since at ``predict`` time in a pipeline we won't have ``y`` (and we may not yet have an ``exog`` array), we have to know how far into the future for which to compute Fourier terms (hence ``n_periods``). This method will compute the Fourier features for a given frequency and ``k`` term. Note that the ``y`` values are not used to compute these, so this does not pose a risk of data leakage. Parameters ---------- y : array-like or None, shape=(n_samples,) The endogenous (time-series) array. This is unused and technically optional for the Fourier terms, since it uses the pre-computed ``n`` to calculate the seasonal Fourier terms. exogenous : array-like or None, shape=(n_samples, n_features), optional The exogenous array of additional covariates. If specified, the Fourier terms will be column-bound on the right side of the matrix. Otherwise, the Fourier terms will be returned as the new exogenous array. n_periods : int, optional (default=0) The number of periods in the future to forecast. If ``n_periods`` is 0, will compute the Fourier features for the training set. ``n_periods`` corresponds to the number of samples that will be returned. """ get_compatible_check_is_fitted(self, "p_") _, exog = self._check_y_exog(y, exogenous, null_allowed=True) if n_periods and exog is not None: if n_periods != exog.shape[0]: raise ValueError("If n_periods and exog are specified, " "n_periods must match dims of exogenous " "({0} != {1})" .format(n_periods, exog.shape[0])) times = np.arange(self.n_ + n_periods, dtype=np.float64) + 1 X_fourier = _fourier_terms(self.p_, times) # type: np.ndarray # Maybe trim if we're in predict mode... in that case, we only keep the # last n_periods rows in the matrix we've created if n_periods: X_fourier = X_fourier[-n_periods:, :] exog = self._safe_hstack(exog, X_fourier) return y, exog
[docs] def update_and_transform(self, y, exogenous, **kwargs): """Update the params and return the transformed arrays Since no parameters really get updated in the Fourier featurizer, all we do is compose forecasts for ``n_periods=len(y)`` and then update ``n_``. Parameters ---------- y : array-like or None, shape=(n_samples,) The endogenous (time-series) array. exogenous : array-like or None, shape=(n_samples, n_features) The exogenous array of additional covariates. **kwargs : keyword args Keyword arguments required by the transform function. """ get_compatible_check_is_fitted(self, "p_") self._check_endog(y) _, Xt = self.transform(y, exogenous, n_periods=len(y), **kwargs) # Update this *after* getting the exog features self.n_ += len(y) return y, Xt