API Reference¶
This is the class and function reference for pmdarima
. Please refer to
the full user guide for further details, as the class and
function raw specifications may not be enough to give full guidelines on their
: ARIMA estimator & differencing tests¶
The pmdarima.arima
sub-module defines the ARIMA
estimator and the
function, as well as a set of tests of seasonality and
ARIMA estimator & statistical tests¶
User guide: See the Estimating the seasonal differencing term, D and Enforcing stationarity sections for further details.
arima.ADFTest ([alpha, k]) |
Conduct an ADF test for stationarity. |
arima.ARIMA (order[, seasonal_order, …]) |
An ARIMA estimator. |
arima.AutoARIMA ([start_p, d, start_q, …]) |
Automatically discover the optimal order for an ARIMA model. |
arima.CHTest (m) |
Conduct a CH test for seasonality. |
arima.KPSSTest ([alpha, null, lshort]) |
Conduct a KPSS test for stationarity. |
arima.OCSBTest (m[, lag_method, max_lag]) |
Perform an OCSB test of seasonality. |
arima.PPTest ([alpha, lshort]) |
Conduct a PP test for stationarity. |
arima.StepwiseContext ([max_steps, max_dur]) |
Context manager to capture runtime context for stepwise mode. |
ARIMA auto-parameter selection¶
User guide: See the Tips to using auto_arima section for further details.
arima.auto_arima (y[, exogenous, start_p, d, …]) |
Automatically discover the optimal order for an ARIMA model. |
Differencing helpers¶
arima.is_constant (x) |
Test x for constancy. |
arima.ndiffs (x[, alpha, test, max_d]) |
Estimate ARIMA differencing term, d . |
arima.nsdiffs (x, m[, max_D, test]) |
Estimate the seasonal differencing term, D . |
Seasonal decomposition¶
arima.decompose (x, type_, m[, filter_]) |
Decompose the time series into trend, seasonal, and random components. |
: Toy timeseries datasets¶
The pmdarima.datasets
submodule provides several different univariate time-
series datasets used in various examples and tests across the package. If you
would like to prototype a model, this is a good place to find easy-to-access data.
User guide: See the Toy time-series datasets section for further details.
Dataset loading functions¶
datasets.load_airpassengers ([as_series, dtype]) |
Monthly airline passengers. |
datasets.load_ausbeer ([as_series, dtype]) |
Quarterly beer production data. |
datasets.load_austres ([as_series, dtype]) |
Quarterly residential data. |
datasets.load_gasoline ([as_series, dtype]) |
Weekly US finished motor gasoline products |
datasets.load_heartrate ([as_series, dtype]) |
Uniform heart-rate data. |
datasets.load_lynx ([as_series, dtype]) |
Annual numbers of lynx trappings for 1821–1934 in Canada. |
datasets.load_msft () |
Load the microsoft stock data |
datasets.load_sunspots ([as_series, dtype]) |
Monthly Sunspot Numbers, 1749 - 1983 |
datasets.load_taylor ([as_series, dtype]) |
Half-hourly electricity demand |
datasets.load_wineind ([as_series, dtype]) |
Australian total wine sales by wine makers in bottles <= 1 litre. |
datasets.load_woolyrnq ([as_series, dtype]) |
Quarterly production of woollen yarn in Australia. |
: Time-series metrics¶
The metrics
submodule implements time-series metrics that are not
implemented in scikit-learn.
metrics.smape (y_true, y_pred) |
Compute the Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error. |
: Cross-validation classes¶
The pmdarima.model_selection
submodule defines several different strategies
for cross-validating time series models
Cross validation & split utilities¶
model_selection.RollingForecastCV ([h, step, …]) |
Use a rolling forecast to perform cross validation |
model_selection.SlidingWindowForecastCV ([h, …]) |
Use a sliding window to perform cross validation |
model_selection.check_cv ([cv]) |
Input checker utility for building a cross-validator |
model_selection.cross_validate (estimator, y) |
Evaluate metric(s) by cross-validation and also record fit/score times. |
model_selection.cross_val_predict (estimator, y) |
Generate cross-validated estimates for each input data point |
model_selection.cross_val_score (estimator, y) |
Evaluate a score by cross-validation |
model_selection.train_test_split (*arrays[, …]) |
Split arrays or matrices into sequential train and test subsets |
: Pipelining transformers & ARIMAs¶
With the pipeline.Pipeline
class, we can pipeline transformers together and
into a final ARIMA stage.
pipeline.Pipeline (steps) |
A pipeline of transformers with an optional final estimator stage |
: Preprocessing transformers¶
The pmdarima.preprocessing
submodule provides a number of transformer
classes for pre-processing time series or exogenous arrays.
Endogenous transformers¶
preprocessing.BoxCoxEndogTransformer ([…]) |
Apply the Box-Cox transformation to an endogenous array |
preprocessing.LogEndogTransformer ([lmbda, …]) |
Apply a log transformation to an endogenous array |
Exogenous transformers¶
preprocessing.FourierFeaturizer (m[, k, prefix]) |
Fourier terms for modeling seasonality |
: Utilities¶
Utilities and array differencing functions used commonly across the package.
Array helper functions & metaestimators¶
utils.acf (x[, unbiased, nlags, qstat, fft, …]) |
Calculate the autocorrelation function. |
utils.as_series (x) |
Cast as pandas Series. |
utils.c (*args) |
Imitates the c function from R. |
utils.check_endog (y[, dtype, copy, …]) |
Wrapper for check_array and column_or_1d from sklearn |
utils.check_exog (X[, dtype, copy, …]) |
A wrapper for check_array for 2D arrays |
utils.diff (x[, lag, differences]) |
Difference an array. |
utils.diff_inv (x[, lag, differences, xi]) |
Inverse the difference of an array. |
utils.if_has_delegate (delegate) |
Wrap a delegated instance attribute function. |
utils.is_iterable (x) |
Test a variable for iterability. |
utils.pacf (x[, nlags, method, alpha]) |
Partial autocorrelation estimate. |
Plotting utilities & wrappers¶
utils.autocorr_plot (series[, show]) |
Plot a series’ auto-correlation. |
utils.decomposed_plot (decomposed_tuple[, …]) |
Plot the decomposition of a time series. |
utils.plot_acf (series[, ax, lags, alpha, …]) |
Plot a series’ auto-correlation as a line plot. |
utils.plot_pacf (series[, ax, lags, alpha, …]) |
Plot a series’ partial auto-correlation as a line plot. |