Source code for pyramid.utils.wrapped

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Taylor G Smith <>
# Wrapped functions

from __future__ import absolute_import

from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import acf as sm_acf, pacf as sm_pacf

from functools import wraps

__all__ = [

def inheritdoc(parent):
    """Inherit documentation from a parent

    parent : callable
        The parent function or class that contains the sought-after
        docstring. If it doesn't have a docstring, this might behave
        in unexpected ways.
    >>> def a(x=1):
    ...     '''This is documentation'''
    ...     return x
    >>> @inheritdoc(a)
    ... def b(x):
    ...     return 2 * a(x)
    >>> print(b.__doc__)
    This is documentation

    >>> print(b(2))
    def wrapper(func):
        # Assign the parent docstring to the child
        func.__doc__ = parent.__doc__

        def caller(*args, **kwargs):
            return func(*args, **kwargs)
        return caller
    return wrapper

[docs]@inheritdoc(parent=sm_acf) def acf(x, unbiased=False, nlags=40, qstat=False, fft=False, alpha=None, missing='none'): return sm_acf(x=x, unbiased=unbiased, nlags=nlags, qstat=qstat, fft=fft, alpha=alpha, missing=missing)
[docs]@inheritdoc(parent=sm_pacf) def pacf(x, nlags=40, method='ywunbiased', alpha=None): return sm_pacf(x=x, nlags=nlags, method=method, alpha=alpha)