.. _seasonal_differencing_issues: ============================================ Encountering issues in seasonal differencing ============================================ For certain time series, the seasonal differencing operation may fail:: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in "Could not successfully fit a viable ARIMA model " There are no more samples after a first-order seasonal differencing. See http://alkaline-ml.com/pmdarima/seasonal-differencing-issues.html for a more in-depth explanation and potential work-arounds. In short, the seasonal differencing test has detected your time series could benefit from a non-zero seasonal differencing term, ``D``, but your data is exhausted after differencing it by ``m``. Basically, your dataset is too small to be differenced by ``m``. You only have several options as a work-around here: * Use a larger training set. * Determine whether or not you've set the appropriate ``m``. Should it be smaller? See :ref:`period` for more information on the topic. * Manually set ``D=0`` in the :func:`pmdarima.arima.auto_arima` call. This is the least desirable solution, since it skips a step that could lead to a better model. The best decision is always to use a larger training set, but sometimes that simply is not possible. Make sure to set ``trace`` to at least 1 in order to see the search progress, and to a value >1 to see the maximum trace logging available. If you still cannot diagnose why you are getting this error message, consider :ref:`filing_bugs`.