Source code for pmdarima.utils.visualization

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: Taylor G Smith <>
# Plotting wrapper functions

from ..compat.pandas import plotting as pd_plotting
from ..compat.matplotlib import get_compatible_pyplot

from import tsaplots

import numpy as np
import os

# User may not have matplotlib
    # Gets the MPL.pyplot import (combatibilitized). Only use debug mode if set
    # on the machine in an environment variable
    debug = os.environ.get("PMDARIMA_MPL_DEBUG", "false").lower() == "true"

    # If it's a Travis CI machine, we want to set the backend via env variable
    backend = os.environ.get("PMD_MPL_BACKEND", None)
    mpl = get_compatible_pyplot(backend=backend, debug=debug)

except ImportError:
    mpl = None

__all__ = [

def _err_for_no_mpl():
    if mpl is None:
        # Per Issue #47:
        raise ImportError(
            "You do not have matplotlib installed. In order to "
            "create plots, you'll need to pip install matplotlib!")

def _get_plt():
    """Get MPL pyplot if it exists or raise an error if not"""
    return mpl

def _show_or_return(obj, show):
    if show:
        # We never cover this in tests, unfortunately. Even with the
        # cleanup tag, Travis doesn't play super nice with showing and
        # closing lots of plots over and over. But it's just one line...
        # returns None implicitly
        return obj

[docs]def decomposed_plot(decomposed_tuple, figure_kwargs=None, show=True): """Plot the decomposition of a time series. Plots the results of the time series decomposition in four plots: the 'x', 'trend', 'seasonal', and 'random' components. Parameters ---------- decomposed_tuple : tuple, namedtuple or iterable Named tuple of series that consist of data, trend, seasonal, and random. Should be the result of :func:`pmdarima.arima.decompose`. figure_kwargs : dict, optional (default=None) Optional dictionary of keyword arguments that are passed to figure. show : bool, optional (default=True) Whether to show the plot after it's been created. If not, will return the plot as an Axis object instead. Notes ----- This method will only show the plot if ``show=True`` (which is the default behavior). To simply get the axis back (say, to add to another canvas), use ``show=False``. """ _err_for_no_mpl() fig, axes = mpl.subplots(4, 1, sharex=True, **figure_kwargs) y_labels = ['data', 'trend', 'seasonal', 'random'] for ax in axes.flat: ax.set(ylabel=y_labels.pop(0)) # Unpack positionally so that user could pass as a tuple, if they have # pre-computed... x, trend, ssnl, rand = decomposed_tuple axes[0].plot(x) axes[1].plot(trend) axes[2].plot(ssnl) axes[3].plot(rand) return _show_or_return(axes, show)
[docs]def autocorr_plot(series, show=True): """Plot a series' auto-correlation. A wrapper method for the Pandas ``autocorrelation_plot`` method. Parameters ---------- series : array-like, shape=(n_samples,) The series or numpy array for which to plot an auto-correlation. show : bool, optional (default=True) Whether to show the plot after it's been created. If not, will return the plot as an Axis object instead. Notes ----- This method will only show the plot if ``show=True`` (which is the default behavior). To simply get the axis back (say, to add to another canvas), use ``show=False``. Examples -------- >>> autocorr_plot([1, 2, 3], False) # doctest: +SKIP <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x127f41dd8> Returns ------- res : Axis or None If ``show`` is True, does not return anything. If False, returns the Axis object. """ _err_for_no_mpl() res = pd_plotting.autocorrelation_plot(series) return _show_or_return(res, show)
[docs]def plot_acf(series, ax=None, lags=None, alpha=None, use_vlines=True, unbiased=False, fft=True, title='Autocorrelation', zero=True, vlines_kwargs=None, show=True, **kwargs): """Plot a series' auto-correlation as a line plot. A wrapper method for the statsmodels ``plot_acf`` method. Parameters ---------- series : array-like, shape=(n_samples,) The series or numpy array for which to plot an auto-correlation. ax : Matplotlib AxesSubplot instance, optional If given, this subplot is used to plot in instead of a new figure being created. lags : int, array-like or None, optional (default=None) int or Array of lag values, used on horizontal axis. Uses np.arange(lags) when lags is an int. If not provided, ``lags=np.arange(len(corr))`` is used. alpha : scalar, optional (default=None) If a number is given, the confidence intervals for the given level are returned. For instance if alpha=.05, 95 % confidence intervals are returned where the standard deviation is computed according to Bartlett's formula. If None, no confidence intervals are plotted. use_vlines : bool, optional (default=True) If True, vertical lines and markers are plotted. If False, only markers are plotted. The default marker is 'o'; it can be overridden with a ``marker`` kwarg. unbiased : bool, optional (default=False) If True, then denominators for autocovariance are n-k, otherwise n fft : bool, optional (default=True) If True, computes the ACF via FFT. title : str, optional (default='Autocorrelation') Title to place on plot. Default is 'Autocorrelation' zero : bool, optional (default=True) Flag indicating whether to include the 0-lag autocorrelation. Default is True. vlines_kwargs : dict, optional (default=None) Optional dictionary of keyword arguments that are passed to vlines. show : bool, optional (default=True) Whether to show the plot after it's been created. If not, will return the plot as an Axis object instead. **kwargs : kwargs, optional Optional keyword arguments that are directly passed on to the Matplotlib ``plot`` and ``axhline`` functions. Notes ----- This method will only show the plot if ``show=True`` (which is the default behavior). To simply get the axis back (say, to add to another canvas), use ``show=False``. Examples -------- >>> plot_acf([1, 2, 3], show=False) # doctest: +SKIP <matplotlib.figure.Figure object at 0x122fab4e0> Returns ------- plt : Axis or None If ``show`` is True, does not return anything. If False, returns the Axis object. """ _err_for_no_mpl() res = tsaplots.plot_acf( x=series, ax=ax, lags=lags, alpha=alpha, use_vlines=use_vlines, unbiased=unbiased, fft=fft, title=title, zero=zero, vlines_kwargs=vlines_kwargs, **kwargs) return _show_or_return(res, show)
[docs]def plot_pacf(series, ax=None, lags=None, alpha=None, method='yw', use_vlines=True, title='Partial Autocorrelation', zero=True, vlines_kwargs=None, show=True, **kwargs): """Plot a series' partial auto-correlation as a line plot. A wrapper method for the statsmodels ``plot_pacf`` method. Parameters ---------- series : array-like, shape=(n_samples,) The series or numpy array for which to plot an auto-correlation. ax : Matplotlib AxesSubplot instance, optional If given, this subplot is used to plot in instead of a new figure being created. lags : int, array-like or None, optional (default=None) int or Array of lag values, used on horizontal axis. Uses np.arange(lags) when lags is an int. If not provided, ``lags=np.arange(len(corr))`` is used. alpha : scalar, optional (default=None) If a number is given, the confidence intervals for the given level are returned. For instance if alpha=.05, 95 % confidence intervals are returned where the standard deviation is computed according to Bartlett's formula. If None, no confidence intervals are plotted. method : str, optional (default='yw') Specifies which method for the calculations to use. One of {'ywunbiased', 'ywmle', 'ols', 'ld', 'ldb', 'ldunbiased', 'ldbiased'}: - yw or ywunbiased : yule walker with bias correction in denominator for acovf. Default. - ywm or ywmle : yule walker without bias correction - ols - regression of time series on lags of it and on constant - ld or ldunbiased : Levinson-Durbin recursion with bias correction - ldb or ldbiased : Levinson-Durbin recursion without bias correction use_vlines : bool, optional (default=True) If True, vertical lines and markers are plotted. If False, only markers are plotted. The default marker is 'o'; it can be overridden with a ``marker`` kwarg. title : str, optional (default='Partial Autocorrelation') Title to place on plot. Default is 'Partial Autocorrelation' zero : bool, optional (default=True) Flag indicating whether to include the 0-lag autocorrelation. Default is True. vlines_kwargs : dict, optional (default=None) Optional dictionary of keyword arguments that are passed to vlines. show : bool, optional (default=True) Whether to show the plot after it's been created. If not, will return the plot as an Axis object instead. **kwargs : kwargs, optional Optional keyword arguments that are directly passed on to the Matplotlib ``plot`` and ``axhline`` functions. Notes ----- This method will only show the plot if ``show=True`` (which is the default behavior). To simply get the axis back (say, to add to another canvas), use ``show=False``. Examples -------- >>> plot_pacf([1, 2, 3, 4], show=False) # doctest: +SKIP <matplotlib.figure.Figure object at 0x129df1630> Returns ------- plt : Axis or None If ``show`` is True, does not return anything. If False, returns the Axis object. """ _err_for_no_mpl() res = tsaplots.plot_pacf( x=series, ax=ax, lags=lags, alpha=alpha, method=method, use_vlines=use_vlines, title=title, zero=zero, vlines_kwargs=vlines_kwargs, **kwargs) return _show_or_return(res, show)
def tsdisplay(y, lag_max=50, figsize=(8, 6), title=None, bins=25, series_kwargs=None, acf_kwargs=None, hist_kwargs=None, show=True): """Display the time series and some of its key statistics The equivalent of R's ``forecast::tsdisplay``, showing the series, the histogram and the ACF plot. Parameters ---------- y : array-like, shape=(n_samples,) The series or numpy array for which to plot an auto-correlation. lag_max : int, optional (default=50) The number of lags for the ACF plot figsize : tuple, optional (default=(8, 6)) The size of the figure title : str, optional (default=None) A title for the series, if any. bins : int, optional (default=25) The number of bins for the histogram series_kwargs : dict or None, optional (default=None) Keyword arguments to pass when plotting the series acf_kwargs : dict or None, optional (default=None) Keyword arguments to pass when plotting the ACF hist_kwargs : dict or None, optional (default=None) Keyword arguments to pass when plotting the histogram show : bool, optional (default=True) Whether to show the plot after it's been created. If not, will return the plot as a Figure object instead. Examples -------- >>> import pmdarima as pm >>> tsdisplay(pm.datasets.load_sunspots(), show=False) <Figure size 800x600 with 3 Axes> Returns ------- plt : Figure or None If ``show`` is True, does not return anything. If False, returns the Figure object. """ _err_for_no_mpl() from matplotlib import gridspec fig = mpl.figure(figsize=figsize) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(4, 2) ax0 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0:2, 0:]) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[2:, 0]) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[2:, 1]) # ax0 is simply the series itself x0 = np.arange(y.shape[0]) xlabs = None if hasattr(y, 'index'): xlabs = y.index.tolist() y = y.values series_kwargs = {} if not series_kwargs else series_kwargs ax0.plot(x0, y, **series_kwargs) if title: ax0.set_title(title) if xlabs is not None: # TODO: eventually would be nice to do some well spaced xticks pass # ax1 is the ACF, so we can just use our ACF plotting func acf_kwargs = {} if not acf_kwargs else acf_kwargs plot_acf(y, ax=ax1, show=False, title='ACF', lags=lag_max, **acf_kwargs) # ax2 is simply the histogram hist_kwargs = {} if not hist_kwargs else hist_kwargs _ = ax2.hist(y, bins=bins, **hist_kwargs) # noqa ax2.set_title("Frequency") fig.tight_layout() return _show_or_return(fig, show)